
Just a little about myself

My name is Daymond Armstrong, and I have been on and working with computers, and eventually networks, since 1977. I was 11 years old when Dad brought home the Tandy TRS 80, and I lit up at this new technology. 

I guess you could say that I was always a “geek”, as I enjoyed taking things, especially electronics, apart to understand how they worked and to see if I could repair it, if it was broken. My first video game was Pong, and my first connection from my computer outside of our shop, was to dial into a BBS (Bulletin Board System).

The IBM 8086 was released, and Dad opened a shop right in our home. It started as a bedroom in the house, then he added onto the house a full shop. We were small and not building much. So, my brother and I decided to venture out into the corporate world. After some short temporary work in the field, I received a call from Compaq Computers and started my Corporate IT Career in 1988. 

I have worked both in the field, and for companies such as Cisco on the TAC (Technical Assistance Center) for 8 years; even running my own MSP for a time. I am considered a Systems Engineer, Network Engineer, Database Designer and Administrator, with many other skills, as I am an advid enthusiast. 

I still work in the IT Industry, and I am titled as a Level III Escalations engineer. In this role, all of my skills are required.